With the tools, skills and practices Catherine will teach you you will not only get helped through the toughest times. They will lessen your triggers thus enhancing the whole of your being.
Catherine’s unique ability to see your core together with her gift of not only seeing the absolute truths but telling them to you in a sacred space, allows you to be totally honest with it all. And thus break free by acknowledging, accepting & adjusting
In coaching with Catherine you will gain:

Gained Sence of Self.
Being more of the group, less feeling left out.

Able to see triggers, know how they work at a cellular level and thus recentre yourself and eventually the triggers will decrease. Real possibility of not being triggered at all ^.^

Savvy & Wise
A cellular journey to allow you to ‘see’ into your body and better understand how to change it’s chemistry using simple techniques. Allowing those anxiety moments to be just that – moments.

Clarity by writing.
Once the brain has let go of the idea/trauma… There is space again and you can fill that up with anything you wish. Here we’ll work with filling it up with love once the healing is done.

Authoritative and Self-Possessed
Intergration is key. Once the trigger found, acknowledged it is now time to accept what is.

The Essence of You Brought Back to the Forefront
Rewiring of neurones made possible by neuroplasticity, we knwo this now. Using simple exercises daily this is a gem and allows the whole of you of ‘yesteryear’ to come back in full swing – this is my essence 😬 .

Happy and Joyful
Now the joy within you can shine. The mantis shrimp is among the most heavily armed of all animals and it’s tiny! Your wounds are healing and the armour will soon fall away, naturally.

Move to Live In Grace & Grit
Go from the old way you used to see yourself to the new delightfully fun to be with, poised, refined you and start your life using your neurodiversity as a power rather than it rendering you powerless.